Gottfred is a mixed media and performance artist based in Oslo, Norway.

Artist’s Statement

My art is interdisciplinary and quirky to such a degree that people’s difficulty in placing or defining it into existing categories has become a defining feature. Costume design, wearable sculpture, sculpture, immersive experiences/rooms, mixed media, performance, flesh hook suspension, stage art, dance, aerial/acrobatics, daredevil concepts in nature, culinary art, painting, styling/make-up, play, swinging and being - the sum of all of my artistic expressions is what defines me as a person and artist. At the core, lies an invitation, to be inspired or moved by my perspective on play, life, nature and the world in general. Always including the sombre and messy parts of existence that authentic play and ways of being will inevitably open a richer access to. My art is playful, but also demanding, for me and for the recipient. All my suffering and strength is poured into it, always. Inspiring standing as gracefully and authentically as possible in the shit that is constantly thrown onto the fan of life, is an important goal of my art and life. The lines between art, life and myself have been completely wiped out, as people take me as performance art or other art wherever I go, whatever I do. I am free. In a sense, that is my greatest artistic achievement.


Gottfred is a queer and quirky multimedia and performance artist. At the core of most of his art is a killer costume. Everything you see is designed and hand made by him, always. More is always more, and if an idea hits, you can be damned sure it will be executed no matter what. You never know what to expect with Gottfred, and the atmosphere may have many layers. Check out his instagram or Fb page, it's totally bonkers.